lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


You can help your child to develop his/her multiple
intelligences. Help them stretch the area of intelligence that they are strong
in and the other intelligences that you want them to develop. The following are
some examples how you can help them develop each area of intelligence:

Interpersonal Intelligence
Naturally, your child will be willing to join group
activities in the school and out of the school. Develop this intelligence by
emphasizing and encouraging your child to demonstrate good behavior in their
relationships with others. Help them to understand good behavior by identifying
all of the behaviors or by preparing an interpersonal intelligence expectation
chart. On the chart, write down each behavior that you want your child to
develop. And remember, you are the model of this intelligence for your
children. They will be polite if you are polite, they will listen to you when
talking if you listen to them when talking.

Intrapersonal Intelligence
Help your children to learn how to set goals. To
develop this intelligence, encourage them to make a list of things that they
would like to do or become better at doing. Help them to realize the steps and
goals to achieve larger future goals. A few examples are, places they would
like to go, books they would like to read, activities they would like to join,
foods that they would like to eat, cars that they would like to drive, or
houses that they would like to live in the future.
If your children constantly ask questions about how
things work, answer them patiently and let them know that their questions are
always welcomed. If they have intentions to do things without anybody's help,
let them try to figure things out and foster their motivation to do so. When
they do something wrong, explain why they are wrong instead of telling them
that you knew they were going to do it incorrectly. Give confidence to
challenge their thinking by allowing them to think it through again. Encourage
them to be involved in problem solving and critical thinking activities such as
enrolling in a math club or a chess club. Provide them with games such as
checkers, chess, backgammon, or puzzles.
These kids love to read and write. Let them share
and discuss the books or articles they have read with you. Encourage them to
write a review about the books they read. These kids love to talk. They will
enjoy if you let them read stories to you or even act out the story while
reading. Have them prepare speeches or enroll in drama classes. You can ask
your kids to read stories to each other as well. 
Visual/Spatial Intelligence 
Provide opportunities for your kids to motivate their
creative imagination such as drawing, painting, coloring, printing, designing
etc. Encourage them to join drawing and painting classes. Provide them with
comic books and pictures of cartoon characters and let them draw the images.
Challenge their creativity and encourage them to design clothing, buildings,
scenery or play areas. Provide them with puzzles and things that they can take
apart and put back together.
Musical Intelligence
To develop this intelligence, encourage your
children to join school bands or choirs. Have them play an instrument at home.
Encourage them to listen to different types of music. Have them study music and
folk dancing from other countries. Encourage them to write songs. Provide them
with books about musicians to read.
Bodily Intelligence
Children are full of energy and many of them are
naturally motivated to play sports, dance or build things. To develop this
intelligence, encourage them to participate in school teams. Enroll them in
sports activities outside the school such as swimming, tennis, basketball or
hockey classes. This intelligence may possibly be a good opportunity to stretch
other intelligences. You can provide them with books so they can read about
their favorite sports, teams or players or simply have them read the daily
newspaper's sport section. Enrolling them in dance classes will give them an
opportunity to be interested in music as well.
You can help your child to enhance his/her
intelligence by providing toys, books, games, software and projects according to
their interests and learning styles.

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