lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

CHILD FROM 3 TO 4 YEARS...........................................

Child from 3 to 4 years  
Motor Area:
Have a high level of independence and movement, coordination and balance shows the activities of daily living, Salta on one foot, makes 10 jumps on your site with your feet together, run at different speeds around obstacles, jumps with both feet moving. Highlights their ability to take the pencil properly and cut with scissors.
Language area:
His language is more comprehensive and fluid can maintain a dialogue and ask questions, spontaneously narrates his experiences, begins to use personal pronouns, articles. Sings several songs accompanied by gestures and movements, use tenses (past, present, future).
Cognitive Area:
His level of thinking is more complex, making it able to identify objects and their perceptual characteristics: color, size, shape. You can group them according to an attribute. Located in the space identifying the concepts: in, out, up, down, around, away from.
Socio-Emotional Area:
Is a new stage, school, relationships with friends are given in context of emotions: curiosity, love, fear, anger. There is much curiosity about the constitution of his body and the similarities and differences with others, began to express their sexuality. Make itself hygiene activities, face, hands, dry, comb, but it is not perfect. Put in place the objects used.

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