lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

CHILD FROM 13 TO 15 MONTHS......................

Child from 13 to 15 months. 

Motor Area:

This stage is most active and independence for the child, now you can stand and walk alone, at first it will slow with some trepidation and probably with some falls, but then you can pick himself leaning on his hands and legs. Subsequent to balance the show strong and confident steps, you can bend down to pick up toys off the floor and take them elsewhere. This is a time of great enjoyment for the child because the place gives you more independence to explore and discover objects in their environment.
With regard to fine motor skills, now you can use more skills your forefinger and thumb to make the move clip, you can take smaller objects, make doodles and tempera paint using only the index finger can wrinkle and tear of a single paper pull up and down and locks.

Language area:

Begins to make sounds to communicate, imitates sounds made by animals and objects in their environment as you, you, woof woof, etc. the kid Speaks an average of 5 words, being necessary to stress that language development varies from child to child. A comprehensive level is the ability to understand a few words or instructions: he drives to and objects when indicated.

Cognitive Area:

Parents recognize their photographs, identify and point to objects that are asked, can build towers of two or three blocks, found hidden objects, their attention span for an activity are longer.

Socio-Emotional Area:

Is more independent of the mother but fear still shows people and places unknown, try to do things for himself, to eat alone, helps put on and take off some clothes. 

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