lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011


Child from 0 to 3 months:

 " The size of my brain is just one-third compared with that of an adult ... but I have millions of neural connections in my brain that need to be encouraged" 

Motor Area:

This period is characterized by "hypertonicity" in the baby's limbs, that is, little arms and legs remain "hard" that makes them most of the time bent.
By contrast, the baby's trunk is characterized by a "hypotonia" little muscle strength that makes it difficult to lift the head when lying face down.
Later, between the second and third month, the baby, resting on the forearms, you can pick up and hold your head and rotating to the right and left.
Commonly observed baby hand in hand, this is known as palmar grasp reflex, "you can get things you put in their hands, which become the main source of entertainment: the board, the separates the open, the notes and play with them while moving.

Language area:

Gives vowel sounds, crying, and be able to recognize the voice of the mother and father.

Cognitive Area:

At this stage the vision and hearing are the senses that present the greatest achievements, focus and look closely at the objects presented to it and can follow them visually, but prefers to people. On the other hand, the end of the third month, you can identify where it comes from a sound and is able to turn to see what or who produced it.

Socio-Emotional area

This area is characterized by establishing an emotional relationship of love and socialization between parents and baby, especially the mother, who remains the most time near the child. May exhibit traits of temperament, some babies remain calm and peaceful, while others appear restless, whining and crying easier.

At first its main activities are sleeping and mourn but we'll see then begin to show interest in the people closest to respond with a mime or a smile to whom he speaks.

Child from 4 to 6 months.  
Motor Area: Now our baby will grow in motor skills, begin to roll, turn, crawl, and then you can sit with support of pillows in the back.
Gradually to reach and grasp objects in front of him and later roasting of hand to hand.

Language area: At this stage, the baby will repeat his own sounds spontaneously and respond to babbling (sort of "acute") when spoken. Although not yet fully understand language, recognize some words and react to them, for example, to rotate the head to hear his name.  

Cognitive area:
Your senses are better developed and therefore begin to explore objects with their mouth, hands and sight, begin to repeat actions that produce a response or outcome (cause and effect), for example when moving and hear the sound produced by a bell, try to repeat the movement, you will notice that your alert parents crying. That is, now their intellectual development is governed by actions he performs and produce results beyond your own body.

Socio-Emotional area:

Able to recognize their parents to see or hear them responding with arm movements and vocalizations appear when you view them. Begin to recognize people around them (grandparents, uncles) and to distinguish familiar faces from the unknown.

Children from 7 to 9 months. 
Motor Area:

 At this stage the baby can sit alone in first support arms forward and then it will not support the hands free without danger of falling to the sides.
Between the eighth and ninth months will start to crawl, this process is very important because it demonstrates a breakthrough in neurological development and coordination of the baby; you will have more autonomy and freedom to move where he wants.
Begins to have more skill with his hands, which will encourage you to pick up objects and objects hit each other, the ninth month may get smaller object simultaneously flexing the fingers (index, middle and thumb).

Language Area:

It entertains and monosyllables repeating meaningless sounds like ba-ba-ba, try to learn and imitate the intonation of their parents, attentive to the conversations of adults.
Cognitive Area:
During this period, the infant's intellectual development progresses significantly, memory and attention is increasingly developing, reacts and turns when called by name, he entertains looking at pictures or images for a period longer than the previous quarter. Begins to discover that an object exists but does not see it, now you can understand more complex games like hide and seek and be able to find toys that are removed from their visual field.  

Socio-Emotional Area:

Begins to become aware of their independence and to express interests, preferences, anger and rejection. Cries in the absence of the mother or caregiver, most often imitate gestures or movements that adults make. (Applause gestures of farewell). 

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