lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

CHILD FROM 19 TO 24 MONTHS.................................

Child from19 to 24 months. 
Motor Area:
Achieve greater control of their body, gets up and sits more easily with better coordination walk sideways and backwards, can run, turn and stop without falling.
Kick the ball with precision, keeping the balance. Go up the stairs alone clutching the railings and down some steps can be taken from one hand.
Improve your ability to open the boxes, stringing beads, you can make towers with more cubes, cutting up paper, puzzles and perform freely scribbling.
Language area:
Has some words defined, continues adding new words to his repertoire, whether used or not, you can associate two words like "Give me bread." He says his name when asked, you know the name of the animals and imitate the sounds they produce.
Cognitive Area:
Points to parts of his body and face of another person, follow simple instructions. You can perform sequences of actions such as using an object to open a door. Begin also the first games using symbolic mental representations such as: playing with a box like a car.
Social Area
Want to do everything independently, takes off his shoes, help with dressing and undressing, works by keeping his toys. Imitates simple tasks or actions of adults as sweeping, cleaning.

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