lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

AREAS OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT ...........................

Child from 10 to 12 months. 

Motor Area: 

 From this point, the child begins to show more independence and greater mobility and ease of movement, his crawling is faster and more agile and stands holding on to what you have at your fingertips like a piece of furniture, some babies begin to walk with support and others will begin to do it alone.

Acquires greater skill and dexterity with their hands, using your forefinger and thumb, you can take smaller objects such as buttons, matchsticks, opening a lock, etc.  

Language area:

At this stage the child starts a frequent repetition trying to imitate the adult language, begins to utter words such as father, mother, water, tit. With regard to his understanding, is able to follow simple instructions like "give, take, come, stop when you say" no. " In some cases you may abandon the development of this area to be excited about their progress drive, do not forget that each child is different and has its own pace.  

Cognitive Area:

Is able to locate some parts of his body when asked, he begins to ask some objects you want to achieve and to obey simple commands. Explore and experiment with the physical properties of objects, inserting them into a container or in water, you can solve simple problems, for example, if you have an object in each hand and offered a third party, you may save some of them below arm or in the mouth to grab that offer, without abandoning those who have. 
Socio-Emotional Area:

Now, the baby shows interest and preference for some people, with whom he gets excited every time I see them trying to play with them and get their attention. In contrast to people and places considered strangers is likely to react with fear, shyness or excessive attachment to one parent.

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