lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

CHILD FROM 16 TO 18 MONTHS.......................

Child from 16 to 18 months:
Motor Area:

Achieves greater stability when walking, its progress is more defined and faster, more skillful for raising and lowering of the furniture is in constant activity, catches, carries and throws objects at their disposal, kicks the ball. He likes to climb the stairs, you can, holding hands or crawling, but need help to get off.

You can put small beads in a bowl using a pincer movement much more developed and defined.
Put boxes or objects into one another.
Language area:

His vocabulary is expanding, listening and speaking notes to others to imitate, but still can not clearly verbalize the words, tell about situations using different voices, understand and answer some verbal instructions and questions.
Cognitive Area:
The thought of the child is developing further, exploring the objects and situations through trial and error, finding more effective solutions, respond and meet increasingly complex orders, food items or can order by pointing a finger, making a sound or word know the functions of some household items such as telephone, remote control, radio, etc.
Social Area
Begins to discover his own emotions when interacting with their environment: joy, sadness, frustration, shame, anger, in some cases begin to manipulate adults using tantrums or other actions to get what he wants. With regard to their habits, start using a spoon, drink only a cup.

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