sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Also called "Development
in Context" or "Human Ecology" theory, Ecological Systems
Theory, originally formulated by
Urie Bronfenbrenner specifies four types of nested
environmental systems, with bi-directional influences within and between the
systems. The four systems are Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, and
Macrosystem. Each system contains roles, norms and rules that can powerfully
shape development. Since its publication in 1979, Bronfenbrenner's major
statement of this theory, The Ecology of Human Development  has had widespread influence on the way
psychologists and others approach the study of human beings and their
environments. As a result of this influential conceptualization of development,
these environments — from the family to economic and political structures —
have come to be viewed as part of the life course from childhood through

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